
Saturday, December 20, 2014

American/ Foreign Universities and FEES

Study Group Price
Spring 2011
Study Group Price
Fall 2011
Estimated Published
Price Fall 2011
Albright College $38,033 $39,496 $43,888
Alfred University $36,500 $37,490 $39,463
Baldwin Wallace College $33,412 $33,762 $35,538
Dean College $40,777 $41,954 $44,161
Elmira College $45,240 $46,980 $50,593
Fisher College $37,355 $38,759 $40,799
Florida Southern College $31,720 $32,940 $35,331
Indiana Institute of Technology $31,928 $33,156 $35,484
Lasell College $37,716 $38,182 $40,190
Long Island University $41,796 $42,792 $43,991
Manhattan College $38,103 $39,230 $41,294
Marietta College $36,570 $37,164 $39,119
Merrimack College $40,508 $42,066 $44,684
New England College $38,956 $39,412 $41,485
Pacific Lutheran University $36,898 $38,096 $40,100
Sierra Nevada College $29,861 $34,322 $36,128
Trine University $33,937 $33,674 $35,445
Webber International University $26,463 $26,326 $27,712
Western New England College $39,520 $41,040 $44,918
Woodbury University $38,364 $39,840 $42,475
Start Dates 2011/2012
Late August and January
Mid August and January
Mid August and January
Early September and January
Late August and January
Early September and January
Late August and January
Late August and January
Early September and mid January
Late August and January
Late August
Mid August and January
Late August and January
Late August and January
Late August and February
Mid August and January
Mid August and January
Late August and January
Mid August and January
Mid August and January
Universities in the
your pathway to academic success
Undergraduate Price Guidelines
Student Advising and Support Service
Prices are for one academic year and include full-time tuition, accommodation and meals.
Study Group prices include insurance and airport pick-up.
For more information on how to apply:
Student Enrollment Advisors, Study Group USA
Level 2, 330 7th Avenue, New York NY 10001
T +1 212 497 8386 F +1 415 373 9374
Estimated 2011
Published Price
2011 Study Group
Alfred University
MBA (30 Credits) $36,889 $35,044
Counseling (62 Credits) $75,298 $71,533
Education (30 Credits) $36,889 $35,044
Engineering (30 Credits) $22,206 $21,095
Fine Arts (60 Credits) $43,531 $41,354
Baldwin-Wallace College
MA.Ed Educational Technology (34 Credits) $22,313 $21,197
MA.Ed Literacy (34 Credits) $22,313 $21,197
MA.Ed Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (42 Credits) $27,563 $26,184
MA.Ed School Leadership (42 Credits) $27,563 $26,184
MA.Ed Teaching and Learning (36 Credits) $23,625 $22,444
MA.Ed Leadership in Higher Education (46 Credits) $30,188 $28,678
MBA - Systems (40 Credits) $34,860 $33,117
MBA - Accounting (36 Credits) $31,374 $29,805
MBA - Entrepreneurship (40 Credits) $34,860 $33,117
MBA - Executive Management (38 Credits) $47,124 $44,768
MBA - Health Care Mgmt (38 Credits) $33,117 $31,461
MBA - Human Resources (37 Credits) $32,246 $30,633
MBA - International Business (40 Credits) $34,860 $33,117
MBA - Sustainability (37 Credits) $32,246 $30,633
Indiana Institute of Technology
MBA (42 Credits) $19,845 $18,853
MS Engineering Management (42 Credits) $22,050 $20,948
MS Management (42 Credits) $19,845 $18,853
MS Police Administration (33 Credits) $15,593 $14,813
MBA/MS Management (60 Credits) $28,350 $26,933
MBA/MS Engineering Management (60 Credits) $29,610 $28,130
Lasell College
MS Communications (36 Credits) $20,790 $24,900
Universities in the
your pathway to academic success
Graduate Price Guidelines
Prices are for the entire program and do not include accommodation or meals.
Study Group prices include airport transfer and insurance.
For more information on how to apply:
Student Enrollment Advisors, Study Group USA
Level 2, 330 7th Avenue, New York NY 10001
T +1 212 497 8386 F +1 415 373 9374
Estimated 2011
Published Price
2011 Study Group
Long Island University
MS Accounting (30 Credits) $31,683 $30,099
MS Adolescence Education (Grades 7-12) (49 Credits) $51,274 $48,710
MS Advanced Practice Nursing (39 Credits) $40,963 $38,915
MS Applied Mathematics (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Art (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Art Education (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Clinical Art Therapy (48 Credits) $50,243 $47,731
MS Biology (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MBA Business Administration (48 Credits) $50,243 $47,731
MS Cardiovascular Perfusion (54 Credits) $56,429 $53,608
MS Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) (39 Credits) $40,963 $38,915
MS Clinical Laboratory Management (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Clinical Laboratory Science (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Criminal Justice (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Early Childhood Education (Birth to Grade 2) (39 Credits) $40,963 $38,915
MS Earth Science (32 Credits) $33,745 $32,058
MSEd Educational Leadership (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA English (33 Credits) $34,776 $33,037
MS Family Nurse Practitioner (46 Credits) $48,181 $45,772
MFA Fine Arts & Design (60 Credits) $62,616 $59,485
MS Genetic Counseling (60 Credits) $62,616 $59,485
MPA Health Care Administration (48 Credits) $50,243 $47,731
MA History (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Information Systems (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Information Technology Education (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Interactive Multimedia (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA/MS Interdisciplinary Studies (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Library & Information Science (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Library & Information Science/School Media Specialist (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
Universities in the
your pathway to academic success
Graduate Price Guidelines
Prices are for the entire program and do not include accommodation or meals.
Study Group prices include airport transfer and insurance.
For more information on how to apply:
Student Enrollment Advisors, Study Group USA
Level 2, 330 7th Avenue, New York NY 10001
T +1 212 497 8386 F +1 415 373 9374
Estimated 2011
Published Price
2011 Study Group
Long Island University
MS Literacy Education (30 Credits) $31,683 $30,099
MS Management Engineering (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers (37 Credits) $38,901 $36,956
MS Medical Biology (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Mental Health Counseling (60 Credits) $62,616 $59,485
MS Middle Childhood Education (Grades 5-9) (49 Credits) $51,274 $48,710
MA Music (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Music Education (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MS Nursing Education (33 Credits) $34,776 $33,037
MS Nutrition (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Political Science (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Psychology (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MPA Public Administration (48 Credits) $50,243 $47,731
MS School Counseling (48 Credits) $50,243 $47,731
MSEd School District Business Leader (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MSW Social Work (60 Credits) $62,616 $59,485
MA Spanish (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MSEd Special Education (30 Credits) $31,683 $30,099
MA Speech-Language Pathology (58 Credits) $60,554 $57,526
MS Taxation (30 Credits) $31,683 $30,099
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (36 Credits) $37,870 $35,976
MA Theater (36 credits) $37,870 $35,976
Manhattan College
MS Engineering (30 Credits) $23,683 $22,499
M.Ed School Counseling (36 Credits) $23,541 $22,364
M.Ed Mental Health Counseling (60 Credits) $39,165 $37,207
M.Ed Special Education (33 Credits) $21,588 $20,509
Universities in the
your pathway to academic success
Graduate Price Guidelines
Prices are for the entire program and do not include accommodation or meals.
Study Group prices include airport transfer and insurance.
For more information on how to apply:
Student Enrollment Advisors, Study Group USA
Level 2, 330 7th Avenue, New York NY 10001
T +1 212 497 8386 F +1 415 373 9374
Estimated 2011
Published Price
2011 Study Group
Marietta College
MA Corporate Media (37 credits) $24,864 $23,621
MA Education (33 Credits) $12,474 $11,850
MS Physician Assistant Studies (104 Credits) $68,537 $65,110
MA Psychology (36 Credits) $24,192 $22,982
New England College
MA Education (36 Credits) $15,120 $14,364
MS Higher Education Administration (40 Credits) $16,800 $15,960
MS Human Services (36 Credits) $17,955 $17,057
MS Management (36 Credits) $17,955 $17,057
MS Mental Health Counseling (60 Credits) $29,925 $28,429
Pacific Lutheran University
MBA (45 Credits) $46,683 $44,349
MA Marriage & Family Therapy (46 Credits) $44,194 $41,984
MS Nursing (95 Credits) $68,705 $65,269
Trine University
ME Engineering (32 Credits) $19,820 $18,829
MS Criminal Justice (36 Credits) $22,235 $21,123
MS Leadership (36 Credits) $22,235 $21,123
Webber International University
MBA (36 Credits) $23,986 $22,787
Western New England College
MS Applied Behavior Analysis (36 Credits) $33,037 $31,385
MBA (36 Credits) $25,931 $24,634
MBA - Sport (36 Credits) $25,931 $24,634
MS Accounting (30 Credits) $21,609 $20,529
MS Engineering (30 Credits) $28,886 $27,441
MS Engineering Management/MBA (54 Credits) $51,994 $49,394
Woodbury University
MBA (36 Credits) $33,742 $32,055
M.Arch Architecture (72 Credits) $70,270 $66,757
Universities in the
your pathway to academic success
Graduate Price Guidelines
Prices are for the entire program and do not include accommodation or meals.
Study Group prices include airport transfer and insurance.
11443U 04/11
2011 price
2011 Price
one semester
Tuition $6,888 $7,056
Comprehensive Fee (Per Semester) $1,948 $1,903
Internet Connection Fee (Per Semester) $62 $60
Study Care Insurance $360 $360
Orientation Fee (One Time Only) $180 $175
Airport Pickup $295 $295
two semesters
Tuition $11,885 $12,175
Comprehensive Fee (Per Semester) $1,948 $1,903
Internet Connection Fee (Per Semester) $62 $60
Study Care Insurance $650 $650
Orientation Fee (One Time Only) $180 $175
Airport Pickup $295 $295
J ame s Madi son In te r n a t ion a l Study Ce n te r
p r i c e g u i d e l i n e s
foundation diploma
2011 price
2011 Price
two semesters
Tuition $16,398 $16,998
Comprehensive Fee (Per Semester) $1,948 $1,903
Internet Connection Fee (Per Semester) $62 $60
Study Care Insurance $650 $650
Orientation Fee (One Time Only) $180 $175
Airport Pickup $295 $295
Room & Board (Per Semester) $3,947 $4,004
three semesters
Tuition $23,524 $24,250
Comprehensive Fee (Per Semester) $1,948 $1,903
Internet Connection Fee (Per Semester) $62 $60
Study Care Insurance $880 $880
Orientation Fee (One Time Only) $180 $175
Airport Pickup $295 $295
Room & Board (Per Semester) $3,947 $4,004
four semesters
Tuition EAP $4,997 $5,500
Tuition $23,524 $24,250
Comprehensive Fee (Per Semester) $1,948 $1,903
Internet Connection Fee (Per Semester) $62 $60
Study Care Insurance $1,095 $1,095
Orientation Fee (One Time Only) $180 $175
Airport Pickup $295 $295
Room & Board (Per Semester) $3,947 $4,004
For more information on how to apply:
United States - International Admissions Center
Level 2, 330 7th Avenue, New York NY 10001 T +1 212 497 0050 F +1 212 497 0045
james madison university
11395U 01/11
With competitive tuition fees and living expenses, Royal Roads University programs offer great value
to international students. Best of all, with the accelerated degree completion option, it may be possible
to reduce the cost of a world class undergraduate degree by 25%.
Great Value
‡ Airport transfer is by private car from Victoria International Airport
(YYJ) directly to Royal Roads University, one way.
* O n acceptance.
** Custodianship and monthly monitoring is mandatory for students
of 18 years and under.
Accommodation Pricing
Adults (age 19+)
Single room, shared bathroom, full board (3 meals per day)
$3,294 per academic year semester
Private bathroom (supplement) $545 per semester
Homestay placement fee* $220
Refundable security deposit* $500
Minors (age 18 and under)
Single room, shared bathroom, full board (3 meals per day)
$3,400 per academic year semester
Private bathroom (supplement) $545 per semester
Monthly monitoring and reporting** $280 per semester
Custodianship registration fee** $250
Homestay placement fee* $400
Refundable security deposit* $500
Private accommodation
Private accommodation options will only be available
to students aged 19 years or over. Prices for private
accommodation are available upon request.
Program Pricing
(per semester)
Undergraduate Degree $8,000
Pre-Master’s Program $8,500
English For Academic Purposes $4,990
Foundation Studies $6,000
Ancillary Fees
Insurance 1 semester $221.00
Annual $605.00
Airport transfer (one way)‡ $95
Undergraduate Student Services fee* $187
RRU Student Association fee* $204
All prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars.
Semester Dates
September 7th – December 20th, 2011
January 9th – April 20th, 2012
May 7th – August 17th, 2012
September 5th – December 18th, 2012 23

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Air Strikes on ISIS MILITANTS Just like in Afghanistan where a deadly jihadist group, the Taliban through the barrel of gun took over power, in no time other religious sects in that country were shown what the test of pepper and potash is and not only that the State and state machinery became a potent instrument of state sponsored terrorism against citizens and nations. The ISIS militants has now carved out a portion of Syria and Iraq and call it a fancy name that makes the militants happy and like in Afghanistan have already started showing other people from other sects the test of sulphur. That is the first stage once they manage to consolidate they are going to make that their fancy country a hot bed for state sponsored terrorism! The US, UK and other well meaning global players must stop the Isis militants at all cost. I encourage the US to intensify bombardment of the militant’s facilities where ever they are found and when convenient special-forces should be sent in to deal with the militants. However once the madness in the brains of those militants are thrashed out then the government in Iraq in particular must reform and have an all inclusive government to accommodate what ever reasonable interest of the militants. Away from Iraq the US must also take measures serious enough in corroboration with President Jonathan as regard the Boko haram elements in the North East of Nigeria. They could attempt what the Taliban did in Afghanistan and what the Isis militants are trying to do in Iraq if they could have their way! When they have their way they could also export their violence to any where including US and UK. For instance the identified sponsors of the group in Nigeria should immediately be blacklisted by the US and UK and to start with; place a travel ban on all of them to freezing any account or any business they may have in UK or US as soon as possible. I am sure this will no doubt send right signal to the Boko Haram and their sponsor particularly leaders of any political parties sponsoring the crazy group.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

President Putin’s Land Grab!

President Putin’s Land Grab! The world should not forget in a hurry the fatal inaction by Winston Church Hill and other European powers against the land-grab moves of Adolf Hitler between 1936 to 1938 which eventually lead to World War II with attendant loss of life close to 50 million lives and unprecedented destruction of properties.